November 22nd 2011 to February 25th, 2012
Ibiza Island
Catherine Javel
Insular, Catherine Javel transcribes in her works the diversity and richness of the natural environment of her island of Ibiza. Her work is an ongoing search for techniques to capture and translate the shapes and colors that nature offers us. The artist uses as tools the elements that compose it : the canvas lying on the rock, soaked in water, attempts to imprint the ground, the motion of the sea, the movement of the waves. The seaweed becomes a brush, ink as its juice, as well as a printing subject; the sand plays its abrasive effect while salt alters the ink and color. Once these elements glaze the canvas, Catherine Javel manages to capture a living snapshot of that elusive nature.
Traces d’Algues
2008Mixed techniques on canvas
35,8 x 82,2 in.